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Join the Hottest Summer Blogging of 2010

Saturday, April 17, 2010 |

Are you up for summer fun, the one which brings you new experiences and learning? Well, here’s the right one for you the hottest Summer blogging of 2010 packed with blogging activities and fun.

This summer blogging activity together with Smart Communications Inc. and Cagayan de Oro Bloggers opens a new chapter for Cagayan de Oro Blogging Community by doing a set of MINI FORUMS. So for those who are interested to join the new craze in the internet world, look out for the following dates.

April 17, 2010 – is Blogging 101 MINI FORUM day to be held at Vienna Kaffehaus 3:00 – 5:00 in the afternoon. This is ideal for NEWBIE BLOGGERS or FOR WANNABE BLOGGERS as the discussion is all about THE BASICS OF BLOGGING. This is your chance to start and hone your skills in blogging.

April 18, 2010 – On the second day is all about the BASICS AND TECNIQUES ON SEO. SEO or Search Engine Optimization plays a vital role in making your blogs successful. The SEO MINI FORUM starts at 3:00 until 5:00 in the afternoon at Max's Restaurant.

The learning and fun don’t stop there; April 24, 2010 is another date to remember since it will be the day where you have the opportunity to earn from blogging. On this day you will learn HOW TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE. The MAKE MONEY ONLINE FORUM is to be held at Vienna Kaffehaus, 3:00 to 5:00 in the afternoon. And on April 25, 2010 is your chance to make the most of your summer by going to a BEACH PARTY. The BEACH PARTY will serve as the finale of the CDOBloggers Summer Blogging Activities. This is also your chance to meet the CDO BLOGGER’s Officers and Members who have made a great effort for this APRIL 2010 activities. The making of the OFFICIAL CDO BLOGGERS VIDEO will begin filming on the same day so don’t miss the chance to be exposed, you might be one of the lucky faces of the day. For more details of the beach party will keep you posted but one thing is for sure, this will be your unforgettable summer.

So for those who are interested out there, join us and be part of the blogging world.


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